
拉丁名称: Falanghina del Sannio DOC

酒庄名称:福地酒庄 Feudi Di San Gregorio
侍酒师品鉴 :浅黄色的酒液带有明亮的绿色反光。香气强烈而持久,带有雅致的白色花果香。味道的清新度和平衡感都很棒,后味干净、清爽。
酿制巧艺:在温度16-18 °C的条件下,在不锈钢容器中发酵 。然后在不锈钢容器中和沉淀物接触成熟5个月。
特色传承:罗马时代的后期,萨尼奥地区有一种葡萄种植方法被称为Falangs(意为,杆子),这也是法兰娜 Falanghina 葡萄品种得名的由来。
葡萄品种:法兰娜是一种古老的葡萄品种。 在“法兰纳斯时代”,它曾经盛极一时,萨谟奈人和罗马人把它称为“法兰妮”。这种葡萄品种可能是由罗马商人从希腊带到意大利的,而后在南意大利广为传播。法兰娜这个名字最早在一本神父撰写的农业书籍中出现,这本书写于1804年,书中成法兰娜“很好吃”。在20世纪30年代,一群酿酒学家将法兰娜称为意大利最好的葡萄之一,并在南意大利的葡萄种植区大力推广。
生产地区:意大利 坎帕尼亚大区
酒精含量: 13.00%vol

DENOMINATION: Falanghina del Sannio DOC SENSORY ANALYSIS: The color is straw yellow that contains brilliant green reflections. The perfume is intense and persistent with sensations of delicate white flowers and fruit. The taste offers freshness and balance, with a clean finish. FOOD MATCHES: Ideal as an aperitif, it can also accompany various types of appetizers, plates of simple fish and vegetables as well as fresh cheeses. FERMENTATION: Ideal as an aperitif, it can also accompany various types of appetizers, plates of simple fish and vegetables as well as fresh cheeses. VINE: Falanghina is an ancient variety, already noted and appreciated by the Samnites and the Romans who also called it Falernia for its great circulation in the "Falernus Age." The Falerni were probably the Roman merchants who brought to Italy this grape from Greece, spreading its cultivation from central to southern Italy. The first written citation of of a grape with that name dates back to 1804; one can find then a work of the agriculture of Padre Ex-provinciale Niccola Columella Onorati that inserts Falanghina among the grapes that were "good to eat." Many years later, in the '30s, a group of enologists crowned Falanghina as one of the best Italian grapes, largely recommending its dissemination for the best production as in the principal wine zones of the south.
VINTAGE: 2014     
GRAPE VARIETY: Falanghina ORIGINS: Campania, Italy
WINE STORY : In Sannio, at the end of the Roman era, the method of vine cultivation was Falangs (“poles”); this is where the name Falanghina originated.

曾有记录显示福地酒庄早在公元590年就已开始酿制葡萄酒,但这个来自意大利的古老葡萄酒产区的酒庄却一直把工作重心放在不断改革创新和不断提升质量上。充分发挥葡萄园火山石地形的条件优势,注重培养当地土生土长的葡萄品种,如菲亚诺(Fiano)、艾格尼科 (Aglianico)和图福格雷克(Greco di Tufo)。如今,这个坐落于Sorbo Serpico 的酒庄不断发展壮大,生产了一系列优质的白葡萄酒和红葡萄酒,是当地备受欢迎的酒庄之一。1991年,这里首次出产了一款复杂的红葡萄酒——陶乐西(Taurasi),它被认为是意大利集优雅、强劲于一身的的经典葡萄酒之一。这里出产的熔岩系列(Fiano di Avellino)也被认为是极具意大利特色的白葡萄酒之一。

Feudi di San Gregorio places its roots in Sorbo Serpico, in the province of Avellino, immediately dedicating itself to the restoration of a few authentic products of value and to the individualisation of a qualitative standard reponding to the most severe needs of the market. In a moment in which every part of Italy increase the so-called international varieties, Feudi di San Gregorio prints with courage its heritage of local viticulture.

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